What's Cognitive Bias And Are You Experiencing It?
The mind builds beliefs with thought. These beliefs become what I call filters.
These filters become the lenses through which we see the world.
If I believe that a ball of dust is a dreaded spider, my body will react in kind with panic and fear
....over a dust ball.
Thought can be powerful.
If I believe that I'm a loser, I view any good luck, new offers, or possibilities through the filter of being a loser.
We shoot ourselves in the foot before the race begins - and don't even realize it.
"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." -The Talmud
Cognitive Bias
Psychology calls "filters", cognitive biases. There are literally hundreds of cognitive biases.
Some examples are:
Confirmation Bias
Framing Effect
Herd Mentality
Loss Aversion
Gambler's Fallacy
Impostor Syndrome
What do all of these psychological terms have in common?
-They were all created by the mind, the operating system.
-The mind used thoughts and reasoning to concoct beliefs.
-These beliefs are cognitive biases.
-These cognitive biases are the filters through which we view and experience our version of the world.
How does this happen?
How are we creating so many filters, erroneous beliefs and confirmation biases in our lives?
There's no one in the cockpit. No adult in the room. We are unconscious, asleep in thought.
Thought happens and we just go along with it.
Thought happens and we don't even notice it.
Thought happens and we don't question it. Voila!
How Can I Awaken?
The mind can not make an awakening happen. The mind is the co-pilot, the computer, the operating system here to assist the real you, the Observer. The experience of this truth must rise independently from within.
So what's a thinking mind to do? No worries, the mind may not be able to create an awakening, but it sure can do a lot to invite and facilitate an awakening.
Start small. Start here. Start now.
Be the Eyewitness.
Today I will be the eyewitness to thought, so that I may discard those that do not serve.
Noticing your own thought is a practice that you can do practically anywhere. You don't need any special equipment, and it's free. This one tiny practice has the potential to change your life experience.
Noticing thought in your head, just noticing, is honing your ability to recognize your own filters as the unnecessary, unfounded limitations that they are.
Being the Eyewitness to thought invites and facilitates awakening.
It's time to discover and dump what holds you down. ....Clear the runway!
Today I will begin to notice any cognitive biases through which I'm experiencing life, so that I may dump them in exchange for an authentic life experience.
For more information on awakening and how to FUEL your own life, see:
Blog post: Are You Awakening? https://www.ginacharles.com/blog/are-you-awakening
Blog post: What Is FUEL Your Life? https://www.ginacharles.com/blog/what-is-fuel-your-life
FUEL The Workbook: Spiritual Awakening and Personal Transformation https://www.ginacharles.com/shop/p/fuel-your-life-intro-workbook
The book: Fuel Your Life: A 4-Point Practice To Spiritual Awakening https://www.amazon.com/Gina-Charles/e/B007PJXIVW
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~You are meant for amazing things.~