Shift Your Free Will Into High Gear
The mind believes it has free will, yet in Reality it isn't as true as you'd think.
The reason is that the choices that the mind makes will be made from within the limits of unexamined beliefs, fears and learned behaviors. Let's call that stuff, "junk."
In other words, the mind may have free will to choose, but every choice will be made based on its own "junk."
In this state, we live inside the box of thought, within the boundaries of our unfounded fears.
Here we are disconnected from higher Intelligence and the field of infinite possibility.
The good news is that we can shift out of this state of being. The following exercise will show you how.
Let's try this fun exercise to help you jump out of the box and reconnect with your power!
This exercise shows the operating system (the thinking mind) the difference between its programming and the real You! Once the mind learns that there are 2 gears, it can make way for a shift!
You will move your attention from the noisy mind, to the present moment, and then answer a few questions. I'll do it too and answer the questions with you!
Try this on for size:
Let's look at the mind when it's talking a mile-a-minute in your head.
We have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day. Think about what it's like when the mind is having a 75k+ kind of day!
What is that like?
To me it feels noisy, overwhelming, confusing and very tiring, to give a few examples.
How does a noisy mind make you feel?
I sometimes feel disconnected and ineffective. I also notice it can induce a rollercoaster ride of feel-bad emotions throughout the day. It does not feel good.
What are the results of living in a noisy, unnoticed, unexamined mind?
I notice that I feel like I'm working harder, and yet I get less done. And what little I get done, feels painful. This triggers more negative patterns and programs to fire, and before long life can feel like I'm climbing uphill, with a small elephant on my back.
Now try this on for size:
Let's look at the experience of a quieter mind.
In this state we can have thought, and notice it at the same time that it's happening. While the mind talks, the real You, the Observer, the Eyewitness, the Awareness, can silently "watch", "see", notice thought.
The more you notice thought, the quieter the mind gets.
The quieter the mind gets, the more we connect with the power of the present moment. We notice. OK, take a breath and bring your "notice", your attention, into the present moment.
Notice your breath, physical sensations, sounds, smells and other things that are no longer grayed out by the talkative mind. This includes any thought that may blow through like a leaf in the wind. Just notice. This is the space in which the shift can happen for you. You can deboard the crazy train (noisy mind) and become aligned with your true Self, Awareness.
This is the seat of our power. When we become the Aware Observer and notice thought, almost as if someone else had said it, we are Awake and Aware.
We catch thought that derails us, and can dump it. We are able to keep our runway clear for takeoff.
What is the experience of a quieter mind like?
For me, it feels like a reprieve. I began to notice that pull, like the mind wants to talk. But as long as I "watch" it, it quiets down. I then recognize thought as something separate from Self. Like the operating system that it really is. An operating system that gave itself an identity.
How does a quieter mind make you feel?
I feel more decisive, connected and effective. I also experience more enjoyment. The best part is that I'm free from that free-falling, emotional roller-coaster ride I have when a hyped-up thinking mind is in the driver's seat. Instead, I have a flow of feel-good feelings throughout the day. Aside from that, I experience a lot more serendipity and synchronicity.
What are the results of living in a quieter mind?
It feels peaceful, calmer. I feel far more connected to my "gut" or intuition, and feel-good decisions come more easily. I notice that my body is physically more relaxed. My teeth aren't clenched and my shoulders are not up around my ears. I feel open and clear. This is authentic living.
Which feels better, calmer, more confident and secure?
Hands down, being Awake in a quieter mind is the only way to fly! Don't believe me, try it for yourself!
The good news is that an exercise like this may be cumbersome at first, but know that the better we get at it, the more empowered we become. The more clarity we gain.
The more clarity that we gain, the less pain and suffering we experience in our lives. This is our natural state of being.
In this place of duality, we have two ways to do free will.
We are using free will when we are Awake, Aware of thought and connected to higher Intelligence. In this state, free will can be more aligned with higher Intelligence and what your soul wants, creating new and more fulfilling experiences.
Or the mind is using free will when we are asleep in continuous, unnoticed thought, where the junk inside our "box" dictates the decisions it makes. In this state, we are limited to a different version of similar experiences. Different places, different faces, same life experiences.
We can either live our lives inside of unnoticed, unexamined thought and learned behaviors, or we can live our lives on purpose.
We are either Aware of, or asleep in thought.
Choosing a state of being is what free will is for. Choose FOR you.
Today I choose to experience life in Awareness, connected to my power and the field of infinite possibility.
For more information, see:
Blog post: Are You Awakening?
Blog post: What Is FUEL Your Life?
Books: Shift Happens: A Laypersons Guide To Awakening, and Fuel Your Life: A 4-Point Practice To Spiritual Awakening
FUEL The Workbook: Spiritual Awakening and Personal Transformation
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