How To Accept The Magic Of The Moment
I can’t say that I was immobilized with fear, but I was afraid to step out in front of the camera. After all, I was finally getting the all-important professional head shots done, and my thinking mind was offering all sorts of uncomfortable scenarios about it.
Even though I noticed the thoughts far more than I believed them, I knew fear would be waiting for me at the lens.
I realized the same thing about this situation that I ultimately notice about other uncomfortable situations. I have two choices. I can either have a painful experience, or I can throw all unnecessary thought to the wind, and enjoy myself.
What really helped me was realizing that the mind can’t control the outcome and that fear will only taint it.
In addition, I have learned through my own experiences that when I surrender to the present moment and allow myself to go with its flow, good things ultimately happen. I decided to embrace whatever the session entailed.
When I arrived at the studio, I encountered the most wonderful, high-vibe people. They figuratively, and literally took me by the hand. As I stepped out onto my mark, I began to feel that low buzz of underlying excitement.
I was in the moment, with the mental commentary turned down so low that I could no longer hear it.
I was having way too much fun!
The fearful thoughts had faded away. By letting go of trying or wanting to control the situation, I was able to surrender into the magic of the moment. I also enjoyed a wonderful experience, and another valuable lesson.
Today I will accept the magic of the present moment.
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