How To Live Authentically
We view and experience our lives through the filters of the thinking mind.
This week I may see everything through the filter of an over-packed schedule. Next month I may view my life through the filter of a promotion, or being unemployed, or the ubiquitous story of worthlessness.
This taints my experience by limiting my perception. It grays out reality, leaving me limited to my mind’s version of reality. The filters of the thinking mind obscure life’s sign-posts to my best life.
What would it be like to experience life directly, with out the filter of thought?
Without the filters of thought, I would plug in to a direct connection with life. I would see reality for what it is instead of my mind’s version of it. I would be connected to the Universe, God, guidance, intuition and higher intelligence. So what does that mean? It means I'll have an authentic life experience.
Direct Connection = Authentic Experience
A DIRECT CONNECTION is to experience your life without the filters of thought. It is to experience life with a quiet mind.
This is the awakened state where we notice thought as if someone else had said it. We allow thought to blow by like leaves in the wind without falling unconscious into it.
An authentic experience is the deliciousness you came here for. In the space of an authentic experience, you'd be present. You'd be outside of any story, with unconditional acceptance. It would be natural, easy, automatic.
In this space of Consciousness or awareness, you see that suffering is optional. You'd have to fall back into a mental thought or story to experience suffering.
So what's a thinking mind to do?
FUEL Your Life
F - FLOW your emotions.
E - Be the EYEWITNESS to thought.
L - Practice LUCIDITY, or being present in the moment outside of unnecessary thought.
FUEL represents 4 simple practices that free you to go beyond the limitations of unnoticed thought, to become who you are meant to be.
These practices can be woven into the fabric of everyday life. It is an empowerment designed to support you in accessing an Authentic life experience.
Don’t believe me, give it a whirl. Let the magic begin.
Today I will notice my filters, and ditch them to plug into the power of the present moment and an authentic life experience.
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