Intend And Conquer
It's early. I can hear the birds chirping outside the window as I sip my coffee. I have the whole day ahead of me. My mind is going over a couple of things that I really don’t want to do, but have to get done today. As the mind spewed unfounded predictions of how painful it will be to do these tasks, I noticed a feel-bad feeling creeping up into my stomach. Like a slight wave of dread and resistance, complete with a face that looked like I just bit into a lemon.
Then it dawned on me. Now that I noticed the mind in action, and the feel-bad it produced, I’m awake and aware to it and can now change my trajectory and create better outcomes for myself.
That’s much better than being at the mercy of unnoticed, unfounded, unnecessary thinking.
Harnessing The Power Of Intention
I begin with the end in mind. For example, I imagine myself having completed the task of paying a few bills, in an easy and effortless way.
I see, and more importantly feeeel, what it feels like to have gotten through this task quicker and much easier than I expected.
The Magic Recipe
Next, I set some intentions. You can say them aloud, or in your head. Either way, don’t forget to supercharge your intentions with an infusion of feel-good emotion!
After all, the ingredients to any good manifestation is focused thought lit up with high-vibe emotion. The magic recipe.
Today I intend to ___________, easily and effortlessly. (Fill in your task.)
Today I intend to go through my day feeling large and in charge, like the CEO of my own life.
Today I intend to stay awake to thought and to be the calm, cool and collected adult in my head.
I intend that __________ will turn out better than I ever expected.
Give it a try!
Think of a best case scenario, and put an intention out into the Universe backed with the rocket fuel of positive emotion.
These are the tools that help you wield your superpowers.
What intentions will you set today?
Today I intend to stay awake and glide through my day easily, effortlessly, and most importantly, enjoyably.
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